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Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.

Theme: Series I’ve Been Meaning To Start But Haven’t

Oh goodness there are a lot of these. There are also many series I’ve started and meant to continue… but haven’t although that is a list for another day ^_^ Here are the first ten I thought or or found on my FictFact/Goodreads list. 

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

I can hear your disbelief from here, yes I have yet to start this series even though it has been recommended to me (even in person) and I checked out the first book from the library once (but became overwhelmed with school and had to return it unread). 
Once day I will get to it…. probably next year. 

Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy, #1)

Kushiel’s Legacy/Universe by Jacqueline Carey

Another series that has been recommended to me through Goodreads and in person. I’m not digging the cover, but since this is completed (so I’ve been told) I’ll hopefully get to it soon.

Tempting Danger (World of the Lupi, #1)

World of the Lupi by Eileen Wilks

I can’t remember why this one is on my list or truly anything about it, but I do kinda remember wanting to read it, sooo…. 

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

A Song of Fire and Ice by George R.R. Martin

Does this one even need a reason? Everyone is or has read this one haha, but I’m putting it off for about…. 3 more years I think. 

Mistborn (Mistborn, #1)

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

I heard this is the series to start with if you’ve never read this author before and well, it looks interesting 🙂 
If I’m wrong about this being the one to start with please comment and let me know

Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant, #1)

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

This one was recommended to me by a teen at the library, so I put it on the list. I gotta keep up with the teen crowd if I’m going to be a teen librarian ^_^

Angelfire (Angelfire, #1)

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

Just something on the TBR I want to get off the TBR and can. The series is in e-book format @ the library and I’ve got the first one in my Wishlist for when I’m read to get started…. who knows when. 

The Assassin's Curse (The Assassin's Curse, #1)

The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke

I believe I’ve talked about this one a few times now. I really do want to read it– Look at that beautiful cover!! Also, it sounds super interesting. I don’t know what I’m waiting for… this duology with novellas is done I think… 

The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles, #1)

The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson

I don’t know if I can really justify why I haven’t started this series either when I’ve talked about starting it with other people….all the time. 

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children, #1)

Miss Peregine’s Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

I suppose if the first book on my list is a popular well-read book, then it is only fitting the last one is as well. Please, hold the judgment 😉 I will get to this eventually. Think I’ll wait until next year though.

I read many series so, most of my TBR is composed of series. The hardest part of this was picking out series I actively think about once in awhile or ones I have never started (There are many I’ve read the first book of and then forgot to keep reading or something).

I’m also putting off series… makes no sense since I’m starting new ones all the time and trying to finish others. I can’t even say I’m trying to finish more than I start because I literally have two books to pick up from the library that are #1s UGH. 

For the most part though, I am trying to become current in most the series I’m reading and then am planning on starting a new series challenge next year 🙂 hence my putting some off…. I suppose. 


Anyhow, what series have you not made time for? Have you read any of the series above??? Think I should head to the library ASAP and grab some? 

21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

  1. Game of Thrones has actually been on my list forever, too. I tried reading the first book once, but there were SO many characters that I just kept getting confused. I’ve just been watching the tv show for now.


    1. Ahhhh~ That makes me want to read it even more haha. I haven’t heard many people (in my circle at least) mention it, so I’ve been wondering if I’ve been hyping it up for no reason.


  2. I’ve read all of the Throne of Glass books that are published, and they’re a bit infuriating, but definitely worth the read. I liked the first Kiss of Deception book all right, but the second and third dragged.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve had Mistborn on my list for far too long! Ironically, the only Brandon Sanderson I’ve ever read is The Way of Kings, which was the largest novel he’d ever produced. I think it’s over a thousand pages long if I remember correctly. The mistborn series is supposed to be much more easily consumable. I need to make it a priority soon!


  4. I read the first two Song of Ice and Fire books a couple of summers ago, and they are great, but SO HUGE that I can never work up the patience to go on to the third one. And I totally think next week’s TTT should be “series I’ve started but stalled out on” followed perhaps by “series I’ve conquered in all their glory.”


    1. Yes, I definitely need a ‘started but yet to continue’ post because I have SO MANY!
      Something I’m trying…kinda, to work on.

      I do find longer books to be more difficult to get through, if only because they take time away from other books that could have been read in the same time. Or because I know it will take me awhile I just can’t seem to fit it into my schedule.


    1. I feel like some books, even if they are enjoyable, are easy to forget :/ I generally don’t mind re-reading books, but with so many awesome NEW books to read, it can feel like a waste of time….

      I really want to read Throne of Glass, but then I hear things from other people that make me not want to read it… it is a battle.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I want to read The Remnant Chronicles so badly! I’m trying not to start new series for the rest of the year (besides the book 1s I have out from the library) in order to catch up on others and work on my TBR.
      This is going to be tough, but hopefully worth it in the end.

      Liked by 1 person

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