Posted in Reading Challenges

Challenge: Finish Those Series! – Update

This is an update post on the one challenge I am doing at the moment. It has been about a month since I started this challenge. I’m trying to get series off my TBR so I don’t have to keep re-reading them to understand what is going on in the next book and then not finish the series. Here is my original post.

Rules? Just gotta be a series I am currently in the middle of (re-read or not) and it has to be completed! AND!! I have a year to do it.

Total books read so far: 7/46

The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5)One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress, #6)Once Burned (Night Prince, #1)Twice Tempted (Night Prince, #2)Up from the Grave (Night Huntress, #7)Bound by Flames (Night Prince, #3)Trickster's Queen (Daughter of the Lioness, #2)

I haven’t gone as fast as I thought I would go, but I have at least finished 3 series and I am one book from the end of another. I have also caught up in Kate Daniels story and almost caught up in the Mercy Thompson series even though, they aren’t on my list…. 

I’m waiting for to start the next series on the list until I finish  Night Prince…. then again, perhaps I should just start another one on the list so I can get this all going ^_^

In the next month I hope to at least finish these books: 

Into the Fire (Night Prince, #4)Terrier (Beka Cooper, #1)Bloodhound (Beka Cooper, #2)Mastiff (Beka Cooper, #3)

and start The Protectorate Series

The Parasol Protectorate Boxed Set: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless and Timeless

Here is to hoping I will have another somewhat successful month 🙂

How are your challenges going?

12 thoughts on “Challenge: Finish Those Series! – Update

      1. I JUST read the last book…. probably obvious from this post lol. I’m in love with Cat & Bones as a couple, but I also have a soft spot for Ian. I’m super excited for Ian’s series to come out!!
        Who are your fave characters?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Bones is great, as is Ian. Vlad is probably the top. Especially when he interacted with Cat. He has a great sense of humor. Frost’s books are what inspired me to write my books in the urban fantasy romance genre. 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

      3. From what I understand, his behavior toward (was it Leila? It’s been a while) his woman, was his fear of losing her because of what happened to his first love. I still need to catch up, but that’s what I’m guessing because I remember his conversation with Cat when they thought Bones was dead.


      4. It is Leila and true that is what is going on. I think, mostly, I just miss his humor and his personality around Cat. He seemed more relaxed to me while in His series he is of course more on edge.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Yeah, I can definitely see how that’s less of a charm about him. But, we do know that sense of humor exists. I remember Cat’s assessment of him as Annette greeted him with affection and she thought, “Oh, , Dracula as well, Annette? I guess if Frankenstein and the Wolf man were real, they’d have already double-teamed you.” When Vlad coughed and Mencheres wheezed, I knew I’d be a big fan. The humor in those books are usually very spot on. 😁😁😁

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      6. YES! I love the humor ^_^ slightly different humor, but the Kate Daniels series has funny moments as well. Seriously, if a badass heroine is funny as well, I am totally hooked!

        Liked by 1 person

      7. I definitely found that to be one of the best traits of Cat. Especially when everything is so fire with these types of plots, the humor is a welcome relief. I’d like to think I succeeded with my heroines as well. 😊😊

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