Posted in Reading Year

Mid-Year Reading Check In

So, I’ve seen a few bloggers out there do a stats check in on their reading annnnnd it looked really cool. Shout out to Destiny @ Howling Libraries and Amanda @ MetalPhantasmReads because your posts are what convinced me to give this a whirl. 
Also, I totally have a spreadsheet with some cool graphs, I might as well show off some of what I’ve got, right??? 😁

mid year check in

Some cool stuff right there, yeah?? Now, let’s compare with last year… 

✨Books read: 375
Last year total: 516 — You know, I think I might surpass this… 

✨Average book length: 289 pages
Last year: 327 — This actually, probably explains a lot. I’m reading much shorter books now. 

✨Average rating: 4.0
Last year: 3.9 — Not much of a difference here, which is surprising because I feel like I’ve been DNFing books left and right. Although, most of those I’ve been rating 2 stars… 

A Deeper Look At The Books

This is my first year keeping a spreadsheet or reading log. After seeing so many posts about how much of certain genres people were reading and all that I was totally jazzed to see my own reading broken down too. Now, this year I’ve been on a romance kick, so even I could guess what my pie charts would look like, but they are still fun 😉

mid year check in graphs

In short, about 50% of my reading is Romance related, with Fantasy coming in second with about 24%. 
My adult and new adult reading is dominating my charts, which is super surprising to me. Only 15% of my books are YA this year and THAT I know is a huge change from the norm. I blame Kindle Unlimited and my way of dealing with stress with reading Romance haha. 

Some other highlights… 

  • 115 books I’ve read have been published this year (29%) and I’ve only re-read 11 books. 
  • Format I’ve read: 10% Print, 90% Digital, and 1 audiobook (less than 1%)
  • 172 books (42%) I’ve marked as FREE which is what I’ve been using for Kindle Unlimited books. The second highest way I gather books? From the library (37%) Are you shocked? I am – although, this is the reason I still have KU. 
  • While I’ve been trying to be better about reading books by POC, only 55 books I’ve read so far this year were written by POC. That’s 13%, friends. Again, this is the first time I’ve ever kept track of this, so I don’t know if I’m doing better or worse, all I know is I need to do better. 

Final Thoughts

Keeping track of your reading is super cool. Hahaha

But really, this year is in no way how my reading normally is. I’m usually drowning in YA books, but this year I’m all about Romance and Adult books. Nothing wrong with it, just different. 

At the end of the year I’ll show off all my graphs and stats — hopefully we will see more diversity in my reading 😊

5 thoughts on “Mid-Year Reading Check In

    1. Oh, btw, love it that you add details about the formats you read! It’s actually very interesting and I am always curious to see what formats people read 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks haha. I spend 90% of my free time reading which is why I can read so much and am behind on everything else haha.
        I know/knew I read more digitally but wanted to know how much more. Honestly, keeping track of my reading this year has been very interesting this far.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I am sooooo endlessly amazed/in awe of/impressed by the amount of reading you do. You are such goals for me! I might actually catch up on my ARCs eventually if I could get on that level. Are you basically just constantly reading when you’re not working or doing whatever else? That’s how I used to be and I don’t know what happened to make it so now it seems like I struggle to get through 50 pages a day. It’s breaking my heart a little 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pretty much, yes. I work, sleep, and read haha. But, my high numbers and the habit of always reading have made me not want to do anything else either, so when I watch TV I also think ah… I have so many books to read. Which is why I’m trying more to not just read all day on my days off.


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